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Best Education For Your

NANDAN Education Consultancy

we invariably believe in change. The change that helps us in reinventing ourselves for better services to students. The change that inspires us to continuously redefine our services to bring to customers the most effective solutions at the friendliest of terms. At NANDAN, is dedicated to helping students achieve their career goals and realize their dreams by providing a strong medical foundation. We are very proud of our students, our graduates and our faculty.

At NANDAN,is one of the fastest emerging education Consulting Company in India. We specialize in overseas education. NANDAN has been a pioneer in helping the students to choose a suitable medical university

Together they represent our current and future commitment to caring for the health of a growing and changing society.NANDAN was founded with clearly defined objective of bringing overseas education to the reach of every deserving individual. Having started in Hyderabad, India, NANDAN rise to being India’s leading overseas education consultant, India is a story that symbolizes intellectual dedication to bring the best overseas education at the most friendly terms to the student community.

Top-rated Consultancy

We are the top-rated education consultancy with the most success
rates of students getting admission in their college of choice.

Competent Team

Our team of experienced and friendly consultants guides students in
their admission process and helps them in it.